We were part of the late 1980's group centered around the Netbusters co-ed volleyball team (photo from around 1987), the O's co-ed softball team, and annual post-Memorial Day trips to Emerald Isle, NC, with plenty of birthday/holiday/spur-of-the-moment parties throughout the year. It was a fun group to be a part of, and Nan was a big reason why. Not only was she eternally optimistic, we also admired her ability to laugh at herself (like when she did a face plant trying to slide headfirst into second base, or in volleyball when her first reaction was to drop to her knees to "dig" a spike or dink instead of taking one step towards the ball, and then having the ball hit the court just out of her reach). After we got married in 1990 (second photo) we moved to California so we did not get to see Nan and the rest of the crew nearly as much as we would have liked. She was a treasure and we will miss her greatly.
By the way, the title of this post includes the two expressions Nan would say periodically, though it seemed like every point 😄, when the volleyball team would score a point.
Bob and Patty Edson